زبان انگلیسی

Learn ENGLISH By Yourself

زبان انگلیسی

Learn ENGLISH By Yourself

چیستان - ۲

1. What has three hands but only one face?

- A clock.

2. Why is the letter "E" so important?
- Because it is the beginning of "everything"!

3. Who works only one day in the year but never gets fired?
- Santa Clause.

4. When can you have someting and nothing at the same time in your pocket?
- When you have a hole in your pocket!

5. Where can you always find money?
- In a dictionary.

6. Why do fish live in water?
- Because cats cannot swim!

7. What is black when it is clean, and white when it is dirty?
- A blackboard.

8. Why are grandpa's false teeth like stars?
- Because they come out at night!

9. What word is pronounced wrong even by native English speakers?
- The word "wrong"!

10. What will make more noise in your house than a dog?
- Two dogs.

چیستان - ۱

1.Why was Karl Marx buried at Highgate Cemetery in London?

- Because he was dead!

2. What odd number becomes even when beheaded?

- Seven (Seven - E = even)

3. Why is the letter E like London?

- It is the capital in England.

4. What has four wheels and flies?

- A garbage truck.

5. What kind of running means walking?

- Running out of gas!

6. What stays hot even if you put it in a refrigerator?

- Pepper

7. What can't be used unless broken?

- Eggs!

8. What two words contain thousands of letters?

- Post office.

9. What has nothing but a head and a tail?

- A coin.

10. What did the big chimney say to the little chimney while working?

- You are too young to smoke!